So silly me, I never thought about an actual marriage....that would have brought some much needed fundage to this shack we are living in. :P
Oh well, live and learn.
So,meet Tessa and Elrond (Vanillafied)
"You ain't got no time to be picky. We only have 2 weeks to live" :P
Eventually he came around
Burnt Hotdogs for the pregnant wife
Tessa writes for money. There isn't any room inside, so I set up her desk outside. Which as many of you know she HATES with a passion.
Little Baby's coming!!
Was hoping for more... Meet Jean Grey (can you guess the theme?)
She's a cutie. Picture Spam: Engage!

So, we are preggers again. Tessa is plopped in front of their cheap t.v. You can guess what she's watching. :P
Didn't get pics because of evil game crash (Luckily saved a bit b4hand)
Logan and Emma were born. Will grab pics later.
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