“Lizzie honey?” Wes and Liz were up in Alex’s hay loft. They came here on occasion to get away from Gretchen and life in general. It was quiet and the smell of fresh hay was soothing. Wes was stroking Liz’s hair while she relaxed in the hay. “What other dreams do you have? I mean, I know you’ve wanted to be an artist for as long as I’ve known you, but is that all you want?”

Lizzie turned over and gazed into Wes’s eyes. “I’ve always dreamed of having a nice house with a yard full of kids. “ She laughed at the sound of it. “Does that sound funny to you?”

Wes smiled sweetly, “No it doesn’t sound funny at all. You’d make a really excellent mother.”

Liz sat up and hugged him, “Wes...I want you in that picture too. My life is nothing without you. Wes, what are your dreams?”
Without a moment’s pause, Wes answered, “You. Just knowing that you love me is all I need.”
They shared a passionate kiss and spent the rest of the night watching the stars and the moon come out.

Wes took Liz home and in the car she told him, “My first semester starts next month.” Wes was saddened by the news, but was pleased Liz would be following her dreams.
Outside her house Wes asked, “Can you make a promise to me?” Liz answered, “Of course, what is it?”
Wes took a deep breath, “Promise me, you won’t fall in love? I know it sounds funny, but we will be apart for a long time. France is one of the most romantic countries and anything could happen. Just promise me you’ll wait, like I’ll be waiting for you. “
Liz took Wes’s hand in hers, looked him right in the eye and said, “Wes, my love. There is only one man in my life. There has only ever been one man in my life and that man is you. No one will come between us.”

Relieved by her answer, they kissed goodnight.

Liz went inside and waved to Wes from her window. Wes waved back, got in the car and began his drive home. All the way home, he kept reliving her promise in his mind.
As Wes, pulled into the drive way he saw his dad’s light still on. He went up to his room and knocked on the door. “Dad? You still awake?”

“Yeah, Wes come on in.” Alex said.
“Sorry to bother you so late, but I just wanted to talk to someone about some things that have been on my mind.” Wes said sheepishly.

What is it, son?” Alex asked him.
“Do you remember when Mom died? How lost and empty we felt?” Wes asked sadly.

Alex still remembers that day, like it happened only recently.
“Yes I do. It’s one of the worst feelings a man can feel. But, what is this about?” Alex asked concerned.

“I should be happy for her and I am, but I have this feeling of loss and fear that she’s gone.” Wes began telling his father about Liz’s acceptance into Duke Simington Art School. Alex listened carefully and thoughtfully.

Alex finally answered, “I know it’s tough to let someone go that you truly care about. And I know that you and Liz are in love. You think that she is the one? If this is something she really wants to do, then you’d be a fool to stop her. You have to support her and let her know that you are there for her for whatever she needs.”
Wes laughed, “Dad that sounds like a love song. I understand all of that, but why do I have this feeling that I am going to lose her while she is gone?” Wes looked pleadingly at his father.

Alex patted his son on the back. “Son, you have to have faith in her love for you. She may be gone for two years, and yes I know that is a heck of a long time for a loved one to be gone, but you must be strong for her, let her know that you’ll be there for her when she returns. “
“She leaves next month.”Wes sighed heavily.
“Then you make the most of these next few weeks then.” Alex told him.

“Thanks Dad…I love you.”

“I love you too, Son. Thanks for coming to me to talk.” With that they hugged each other and Wes went off to his room.

Gretchen passed Wes in the hallway.

Upon seeing Wesley she spoke to him in a spiteful tone. “I hear that girl of yours got accepted to Duke Simington. That is wonderful news, is it not?” The smile on her face made Wes want to slap it off.

Wes walked into his room ignoring her remarks and shut his door, drowning out her laugh in the process.
The month seemed to fly by and before Wes knew it he was seeing Liz off at the airport.

Here it was…the day had finally come at last. He had found he didn’t want to let go, he couldn’t let go.
Liz was the first to break the silence, “Wesley, I don’t want to leave you. I feel as if my whole heart is breaking. Honey, come with me. I don't want to be apart from you not even for a moment.” Tears were forming in her eyes.

Moe than anything in the world Wes wanted to run away with her. “You know I can’t leave Dad with the farm and Levi. Not with Gretchen there. He needs me, they need me.” Wes had his own tears welling up.

“Flight Number 457 to Paris now boarding”
“Well, my love. I guess this is goodbye.” She tried to smile through her tears. “Hey, you know the two years will be over before you know it, right?” She took Wes’s hands and said, “Remember, I love you. I will call you every chance I get and write every week. I love you Wes, with all my heart!”

“I love you too Lizzie, remember your promise. I will be waiting for you when you return.” They hugged and kissed one last time. As Lizzie boarded her plane, they waved and then she was gone.

Wes drove home. He felt like his life was over. How was he going to continue these next few years without Lizzie by his side?

When Wesley reached his house Alex was there to greet him. “How are you, Son?” Alex gave him a hug.

“I am okay, Dad. I feel horrible. I don’t know if I can do this. How can I go on without her loving arms holding me, without her sweet whispers in my ear? Dad, I want to go with her! I should be with her!” Wes said adamantly.

Alex merely asked, “Then what’s stopping you?”

“You need me to help around the farm and to help with Levi, don’t you?” Wesley asked.

“Really? I will be fine. I have been tending this farm just great while you have been going to school. And Levi, he is doing well in school. We’ll bealright. I appreciate the concern, but you’ve got a plane to catch and a woman to find.” Alex said with a smile. “We had a good crop this year.I want you to have this. You better hurry.” Alex gave Wes a wad of money to buy his plane ticket.

“Do you mean it Dad?” Wesley said joyously. He threw his arms around his father’s neck. “Thank you so much Dad!! I love you!” He ran to find Levi and kissed him and spun him around.” You be good little buddy. I’ll be back before you know it.” This was the best day of his life.

Wesley quickly ran up to his room and grabbed some things, threw it in his suitcase and ran out the door.

Jumping in the van, he drove as fast as he could, but first he made a quick stop, there was something he wanted to get for Lizzie. Once his errand was finished he jumped in the car and was off again.
He ran through the airport like a man on a mission, got his ticket and was told the next plane wouldn’t be leaving until the next evening.

Wesley thanked the woman and settled in for a long day. He slept in one of the chairs and eventually started to dream. He had dreams of his new life with Lizzie and the many things to come.

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