“Well, well if it isn’t our favorite, slimy reptile. And to what do we owe the pleasure of your call?” Dmitri answered arrogantly. “I had hoped you’d call. I’d been meaning to tell you a few things.” He took a deep breath and continued. “I’ll be sure to speak slowly so your ancient, decrepit mind can comprehend what I am about to say.”
“My, my, my…has the baby snake sprouted fangs after all?” she responded haughtily.
“You might find venom in those fangs as well. Consider this my resignation. You can find some other lackey to do your dirty work for you.” He replied.
Gretchen’s malicious laughter can be heard from the phone, “You believe I can’t find another snake to do my bidding?”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass! I’m finished!” he slams the phone shut cutting her off.
Gretchen, still hanging on to the phone, “That’s right, my dear Dmitri, you are finished, same as Wes and Liz. Mark my words.”
With a heart still racing, Dmitri sits down on the sofa; with his chin in his hand he gently taps his ring on a nearby wine glass. His gaze appears to be distant. Liz comes and sits next to him and places her arm around his shoulder.
“Are you okay, Dmitri?”
Dmitri raises his head and then looks at Liz. “Yes, my dear. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.”
“Wes, do you think we are really done with her?” Liz inquires.
“Honestly? No, I don’t. I also think now our problems have escalated. Not that I disagree with what you said Dmitri. I am glad you told her off. It’s been a long time coming. I just think we ought to be careful now more than ever.” Wes sits on a chair apart from Dmitri and takes a sip from his glass.
Dmitri looks at the nearby clock and sees how late it is. “Wow! Where does the time go? It’s so late. I am sorry I have kept you guys up. I look forward to seeing you two again, only next time under happier circumstances. Au revoir.”
They both waved to Dmitri as he made his way home.
Upon closing the door Liz embraced Wes. “What’s this for?” He asked returning her hug. “I just love you so much. This could have gone much, much worse, but you handled yourself well. Considering everything that’s taken place. Thank you, honey.” They shared a kiss before retiring to the sofa.
“So, now we have some wedding plans to take care of. I am sure you have a billion ideas running through that beautiful brain of yours.” Wesley smiled and then yawned. “Man, I am beat. This has been a very tiring day. You ready for bed, sweetness?”
“Yes, I feel like I have been put through the ringer.” she looked at Wes and asked, “Everything will be alright, won’t it?”
“Of course it will. I won’t let anything happen to ruin our life together. I promise.”
Some time has passed…and with each passing day, the joy of marital bliss comes ever closer.
Liz didn’t have any really close friends, so she called her best friend Melanie, the woman who had been there for her when no one else was. When Liz told her she was getting married in France, Melanie screamed with joy. “Oh Lizzie, that is so wonderful! I am so happy for you!”
“I know, I never thought this day would come. Melanie, he has made me the happiest woman in the world, but you know what would make me even happier?”
“What’s that dear?”
“If you’d be my Maid of Honor. There is no other friend I’d rather have at my side for this day, than you.”

In surprise and joy Melanie replied, “Yes, Liz of course. It would be an honor. When is the big day?”
“We planned on a December wedding. It’ll be the perfect gift for us.”
“This is the best news ever. If you need anything, don’t forget to call me. I’ll help you with whatever you need.”
“Thanks, I know I can count on you. Goodbye.”
Now, Liz had the task of calling her father. She hadn’t spoken to him for over a year, but she wanted him there for her wedding. She wanted her daddy to give her away.
She dialed his number and big shock got his voicemail.
“Daddy? It’s me, Lizzie. Hey, can you give me a call here. I have some great news I want to share with you. Please. I love you daddy.”

She gave the number and hung up. She began searching online for a place to hold the wedding and have a reception. She found a gorgeous place. The minute she saw it, she knew that was it.
Wes has come home from work. He was so excited to get back to Liz and he wanted to call his dad and tell him the news.
“Hey Dad…it’s Wes!”
“Wes…how are you? How is France and Lizzie?”
“We are doing well, I have great news…we’re getting married in December!”
“Oh, Wes! That’s great!”
“And Dad, I want you and Levi to come out here. Can you get away?”
“Of course, we wouldn’t miss it for the world. Just let us know the final details when you get them, okay son?
“Sure thing, Dad. Hey Dad?”
“Thanks for making me come out here. It was the best thing I’ve ever done. Okay, I’ll see you in December. Love ya.”
“I love you too Wes, bye.”
It’s late November, the colors of fall have littered the ground. The air’s wintery bite can be felt on Alex’s face as he gazes from his porch.
Gretchen can be found pacing in her small room. She is talking to someone on the phone. The conversation is being held in hushed tones.
“She is still attending that artsy school.”
“No, he doesn’t get home until after 5pm.”

“Just get her by any means necessary!”
“Well, if he does, you know what to do, don’t you?”
“You had better not screw this up! I will be there within the week.” She hangs up the phone, while rubbing her hands together she can be heard, “I want to witness this first hand.”
With a small smile upon her lips, she begins to make travel arrangements.
“Yes, I’d like to book a flight to France please.”
The city is a busy place this time of year. People are hurrying around to and fro, with one thing on their minds, find the perfect gift. Kids are bundled up in jackets and mittens, while their parents drag them from store to store trying to get things ready for Christmas.
Wes and Liz have their own excitement brewing at home. The big day has finally arrived. Her dress is hanging on the back of her door. Her hair has been styled and her makeup set. Guests will be arriving in a few hours and her stomach is a flutter. Melanie is standing by her side, holding her hand. “I am so nervous, Melanie. Can you believe it? I’m getting married in just a few short hours.”
“You look gorgeous. I am so happy for you and Wes. He is a great guy. I am sure you will both be so happy.”
Melanie gave her a big hug, “Now, let’s get this dress on you.”
Wes is on the other side of the mansion with Alex and Levi. “Well, Dad…any advice you want to give me?”
Alex put his hands on Wes’s shoulder, “Just two little words. These are the key to any successful marriage. ‘Yes, Dear’” They laughed, “You will be a great husband. You and Liz are made for each other. You treat her like the princess that she is, Son.”
“Of course, I will. Thanks for everything.”
Dmitri steps into the room. “Hey, Dmitri. Thanks so much for taking care of the wedding. We really couldn’t have done this without you. You are a great friend.” Wes patted him on the back.
“It really was the least I could do. This place is perfect for Liz and I wanted her to have her dream wedding here. So, you ready Wes?”
Wes, takes a deep breath, “Yes…I think I am.”
“Then get dressed. You have a wife to get.” Dmitri shook their hands and left to make sure everything else was going as planned.
Meanwhile, at the airport a plane has just touched down. Gretchen is looking out the window with a smirk on her face.
“This will be the best day ever. Finally, after years of misery, my revenge will be satisfied.” She grabbed her small bag and pushed her way to the front of the plane. The cries of the fellow passengers did little to stop her. Once she was in the terminal, she inhaled deeply. “Ahhh, France. How I have missed you. We have a big day ahead of us, don’t we?”
She hailed a taxi and asked to be taken to a hotel near the university. While the driver made his way, she called her “guy”.
“I’m here. How are things going?”
“What? They’re at the wedding! You were supposed to stop them before then! Can’t you fools do anything right!”
“No...No, it’s alright. This might be better after all. What better way to destroy their love than at their wedding?”
“I’m all giddy with excitement! Okay…I’ll see you soon.”
She gave him the name of the hotel she’d be staying at and told him to meet her there.
Wes was standing at the front of the aisle, with Alex and Dmitri at his side. The guests were all seated and were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Liz. The ceremony was to be held outside and everything looked perfect. Dmitri had ordered fresh roses. Their crimson petals were the perfect touch to an already beautiful wedding.
Suddenly, the harpist started the music. Everyone stood and looked towards the front of the aisle, where a veiled Liz stood. Her father was standing proudly at her side with his arm in hers. She looked up at him with a tear in her eyes.
“Thanks Daddy. I love you.” She whispered.
“I love you too honey.” He gave her hand a small squeeze and they proceeded towards the preacher.

Liz was the very picture of beauty, with her beautiful blonde hair that shown like golden strands in the light. She looked like a princess. Everyone gasped and then the sounds of whispers could be heard, “She looks gorgeous “and “Such a beautiful bride.” She smiled sweetly at her guests.
With her eyes fixed on Wes, her heart was pounding like a bass drum in her chest. It pumped so hard, she felt like it would burst. Just looking at him, standing there, she was struck by how extremely handsome he looked.
Melanie trailed behind her holding her massive train. It had sparkly beads intertwined within the threads, that shimmered like diamonds.
Once they reached the front, the preacher asked, “Who gives this woman away today?”
“I do.” Her father replied. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as Wes walked over. Her father took Wes’ hand and put it into Liz’s. “Take care of my baby girl.”
Wes smiled, “I will, Sir. Thank you.”
They walked towards the preacher, hand in hand and faced him. Both their hearts were pounding, it seemed at the same time. This was the moment they had been waiting for their whole lives and it was finally here.
He had already been sent on his way. He knew what he had to do, he also knew what would happen if he failed her. She made it perfectly clear that he and his family would know great suffering if he failed this.
He had the newspaper clipping with Wes and Liz’s announcement. He knew exactly where to go, so with his mind set on his job, he made his way.
The parking lot was packed. He pulled his car next to the catering truck and walked to the back door. There was a small door that must have been used as a servant’s entrance. It led into the kitchen. This was way too easy, he thought to himself. He searched the kitchen and found only a few workers busily getting the meal ready. They paid him no mind as he found his way to the foyer. He peeked into the Banquet Hall and saw the wedding was being held. He’d have to work fast.
He was just about to head back into the kitchen when Liz’s father came around the corner.
“What are you doing here?” He asked adamantly.

At that moment their eyes met in recognition of the other. Like a Mexican standoff, within seconds Charles, using one hand to grab the man’s throat and the other hand, he grabbed his pen and plunged it into the man’s temple.

Charles steps into the kitchen to wash his hands. The caterer came in to tell him, they were ready.
“Mr. Renfield, the reception is about to start. Are you ready?”

“Yes, I am…just taking out the trash.” He replied with a smile.
“You know, we have people who can do that for you.”
“Nah, I don’t mind getting my hands dirty when I have to.” He winked.
“Oh dear, you’ve got some red on you. You better get some club soda on that. Wine is a terror to get out of clothes.”
Charles made his way to the reception hall and greeted Liz with a smile and a hug.
“Oh, Daddy…this is the best day ever! I am so glad you were able to make it.” She kissed him on the cheek.
Wesley shook his hand, “Thanks, Dad, everything looks great. I appreciate everything you did to make this day happen.”

“For my daughter, I’d do anything. You take good care of her, my boy. You hear me?” he said, with a wink.
The green car was making its way to the Mansion on the hill. She knew she had to stop Gretchen once and for all. Charles made it very clear..."By any means necessary, make sure doesn't make it to the wedding."
She had been following her for a few miles now. She kept her distant so as not to create any unnecessary attention. She didn’t want to give her position away,she kept a keen eye on the green car as it continued on its path. She never fails and she didn't intend to now.
“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man and this woman in Holy matrimony. If anyone has reason that these two should not be joined speak now or forever hold his peace.” The preacher waited a few seconds, when nothing was spoken he continued.
“Elizabeth Renfield, do you take this man, Wesley Roberts to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him in sickness and in health? Do you promise to love him, comfort him and honor him and forsaking all others, keep only to him so long as you both live?”
Liz gazed into Wes’s eyes for a few seconds and answered, “I will.”

“Wesley Roberts, do you take this woman, Elizabeth Renfield to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her in sickness and in health? Do you promise to love her, comfort her and honor her and forsaking all others, keep only to her so long as you both live?”
Wes gazed into Liz’s eyes, “From the moment I first laid eyes on her, so many years ago. I knew I wanted her to be mine. So, I will.”
“Do you have the rings?” Alex and Melanie both produced the rings and the preacher blessed them saying, “Bless these rings oh, Merciful Lord, that those who receive them, those that wear them may be faithful to one another, remain in your peace, live and grow old together and see their children’s children, Amen.”
“Elizabeth, repeat after me, please. With this ring, I thee wed and with my body I honor you and with all my worldly goods I give to you, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.”

Liz repeated the words while placing the ring on Wes’s finger.
“Now, Wesley.”
He repeated the words and slid the ring on Liz’s slender finger, then held her hand.
The preacher joined Wes and Liz’s right hands and said, “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” He then addressed the crowd and spoke the words they had been waiting all day to hear, “Forasmuch as Wesley and Elizabeth has consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company. Through the giving and receiving of rings and joining of hands, I now pronounce them husband and wife.” He turned towards Wesley, “Well, boy? What are you waiting for? Kiss your bride.”

Wesley turned towards Liz, lifted her veil and kissed her. Her lips parted slightly and she felt his tongue slip gently into her mouth. It was the sweetest kiss. They stayed lip locked for a few seconds more as the crowd clapped and cheered. They then made their way out to the foyer where they were to greet their guests.
She had the wedding announcement on the dashboard. Nice of them to let her know where to pay her respects, she thought to herself.
She hadn’t felt this good in a very long time. She even allowed herself time to think about what she would do once the three were taken care of. “I’ll teach them to make a fool out of me. I’ll make sure their deaths are quick and painless; I can at least do that much. I mean after all, I am not totally heartless.” She laughed. She laughed until, her sides ached. “Woah, Gretchen, settle down. You still have to get there in one piece.”
Just then her phone rang, she looked down to see who was calling her and when she looked up there was a strange man standing in the road.

She didn’t have time to think, she swerved to miss him. The roads were pretty slick from the snow that had fallen and her car started to slide all over the road. The car turned over three times before it hit a tree. Her head smacked into the windshield, cracking her skull. The pain was immense. Immediately stars began to form before her eyes. She felt something warm and sticky start to run down her face, she was bleeding and quite badly too. She struggled to get out of the car but she was pinned. Her leg was caught underneath the front of the car. The smell of gas was strong and pungent. “Help! Help me someone, please. I…I think my leg is broken. I can’t feel it. I can’t see!” It hurt like hell to yell, she thought she must have a punctured lung as well. Her breathing became raspy and it became harder to draw in air. Gretchen struggled to get free, but her leg was useless. Just then she heard a noise. Someone was here. She heard a shoe scraping on the ice.

“Hello?” She coughed and spat up blood. “Hello…is someone there? I need help, please.”
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here.” The voice laughed.
“Awwww…looks like you’ve had a bit of an accident.” She replied taking a drag from her cigarette.
“Who…who are you? Why are you just standing there….I need help.” Gretchen began to sob, although it wracked her ribs to do so. She couldn’t help it.
“Who I am, is of no consequence to you. Now your other question…why am I just standing here? Well, I was sent here to kill you. This is much better though. “A tragic accident takes the life of a poor lost driver. She probably would have survived had the fire not reached the gas tank.” Can’t you see the headlines now? You die, Wes and family remain clear of any wrong doing. It’s really quite perfect. I couldn’t have planned it better.”

With a voice weakened by the continuous blood loss, Gretchen replied, “I’ll see you in Hell!”
“Yes, it’s most likely you will. People like us, and the things we’ve done, we deserve it. Unfortunately, you’ll get there before me.”
Taking one last pull from her cigarette, “You know I really should quit these things. They could kill you.” With the cigarette still smoldering, she flicked the remains towards the gas spill. The surrounding area was immediately engulfed in flames. She walked away from the exploding car, with a satisfied smile on her face.

“It’s done.” She said into the cell phone.
“It couldn’t have been easier, car accident. Tragic really.” she smirked in response.
“Tell the newlyweds Congratulations for me. I wish them the best.”
“Goodbye, sir.”
who is that awesome assassin :P