Liz had no idea what the menu in front of her said, so she let Dmitri do the ordering.
“Do you trust me?” He asked her smiling.

Liz laughed, “I guess I have to, don’t I?”

“Do not worry, the cuisine here is wonderful. You will not be disappointed. Garcon!” Dmitri motioned for the waiter that they were ready to order.
The waiter came around to their table and offered them a wine choice for their meal. Dmitri chose a nice Chardonnay.
“The lady and I would like the Brandade de Morue and for dessert some Glace au Pain d’Epices.” Dmitri told the young man.
“Oui monsieur, Right away.” He was off in a heartbeat.
“Well, I can’t wait for dinner I am starved.” Liz said with a smile.
“So Liz, let’s talk about you. How long have you been interested in art as a career?” Dmitri asked.

Liz, eating some of the bread offered, “I have always loved to draw. Chalk on the sidewalk, paint on the canvas or just doodling at home, it’s always been a passion of mine.”
“I have seen some of your work. You are quite good. I am very glad you chose our school to continue your education. And you couldn’t have picked a better place; Paris is a city of beauty and grace.” Dmitri said as he went on. “How did you come to hear of our little school?”

Liz laughed at that, “Little? I think that is an understatement. But it’s weird. It’s almost like I was led to come here, I had never heard of this place before. I was content to stay in town and got to a local school, but something moved me to come here. Does that sound strange to you?”
“It doesn’t seem strange at all. I believe in destiny and fate. It seems to me like you were meant to be here and I am happy that you are.” Dmitri replied looking into her eyes.

Liz, feeling a bit uncomfortable looked away.
Dinner was served and not a moment too soon. Liz was so hungry she dove in immediately, remembering her manners of course. It wouldn’t do to be unladylike.

When they finished their entrees, dessert was served. Liz was starting to feel a bit full, but she felt she could eat a few more bites, to be polite. After all Dmitri was paying for their meal.

Liz sat back in her chair, “Wow. That was really good. I don’t think I’ll be hungry for a week.”
“I am glad you enjoyed it. It’s nice to see people trying new things and to find out they really like it is even better.” He said, flashing a knowing smile. “Now, my dear, I feel we need to walk off this meal, or I may be in danger of gaining a few pounds.” Dmitri, pulling the chair out for Liz, offers his arm and they start off on their tour de France.
Meanwhile, in the States, Wesley has just boarded his plane. He settles in for his long flight to France. His stomach is all a jitter with anticipation of seeing Liz again.

Back in France, Dmitri and Liz have made it to the world famous Eiffel Tower. She is a beautiful sight to behold.
Dmitri and Liz stop to look at the tower as it looms over them.

“Would you like to know some history about the tower?” Dmitri asked.
“Of course, that would be splendid. I should know something about the place I am living.” Liz answered.
They took a seat at one of the benches and Dmitri started to explain.

“She was built in 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French revolution. King Edward VII opened the tower. Of the 700 proposals submitted, Gustave Eiffel’s was the one unanimously chosen. Interestingly enough, it was almost never to be built. Many people protested its construction. It is 300 meters tall and weighs 7,000 tons.” Dmitri explained and was happy to see Liz genuinely interested in its history. “It took 200 steel workers 2 years to build her. And did you know in 1909 she was almost torn down?”

“Really?” Liz exclaimed. She truly was fascinated by the tower and everything this country had to offer. Still, she wondered what Wes was doing right now, and how she would love to be here with him instead of here with Dmitri. Although he was nice and very sweet, she missed Wes.

“Are you okay, my dear? You seemed to be elsewhere.” Dmitri asked saddened.
“I am fine really. I was just remembering how much Wesley loves history and different cultures. He would just love this place. I really miss him.” Liz answered sadly.

Dmitri answered,” I am sure wherever he is and whatever he is doing, he is thinking of you.” Dmitri gives a seductive glance and smiles devilishly.

“I know I would be if I were in his shoes. Of course, I never would have let you go in the first place.” Dmitri looks at his watch at notices it’s after midnight. “I am sorry, my dear. I have kept you out way to late and we haven’t even looked at apartments for you.” Dmitri appears to be saddened.

Liz answered, “It’s quite alright Dmitri. You have been more than generous to me throughout the day. I couldn’t have asked for a better guide. I want to thank you for dinner, it was lovely.” She replied with a genuine smile.
“Would you be so kind as to drive me back to the school. I will stay in one of the dorm for the night, if that is okay?”
“But of course, Liz. I would only be too happy to escort you back. I do hope you’ll come with me tomorrow. I know a perfect little place near the school that you will absolutely adore.” Dmitri said with a smile.

“That sounds great.” Liz yawned. “I am sorry, I am just really tired. It’s been a very long day. I could sleep for 3 days.” Liz laughed, while Dmitri looked on.

“Then it is settled, my dear. We shall meet tomorrow morning. I will get us breakfast and then we can be on our way.” Dmitri replied, clearly enjoying having Liz all to himself.
Dmitri and Liz arrive back at the school. “Goodnight, my dear.” He kisses her hand. “ I will see you early in the morning.”
Liz, still unsure about all this attention, smiles politely, “Thanks for dinner Dmitri and the guide. You are a good friend.” She goes into the building and is gone.
Dmitri and his devilish smile, “She called me a friend. This is going well, before too long I’ll have her eating out of my hand. She’ll forget all about “what’s-his-name.”

Meanwhile, at the airport nearby, Wesley’s plane has just landed. He sets out looking for directions to the Art school and getting some lodging for the night.

He can be seen with a childlike grin on his face at the prospect of seeing his Lizzie again.

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