Wesley has been attending Riverview Community College.

He is studying Archaeology and History.

He has always dreamed of being an Archaeologist. Digging in the dirt, finding lost and buried treasures, hints at our ancestor’s lives in the past, these things have always fascinated him.

He spends some of his free time at SimHenge, looking at the ancient writing that is on the stones.

He wonders who put it here. What purpose does it serve? What does the writing mean? He hopes to one day answer these questions.
Lizzie has been putting in applications at various art schools in the hopes she will be accepted.

She has dreamed of being a World Renowned Artist, since her days at the Community Center.

Wes and Liz meet for lunch a few times a week. With Wes helping his dad on the farm and Liz working at the Art Gallery, they try to see each other as much as they can.
One particular day, Liz got some great news in the mail. She couldn’t wait to share it with Wes when he finished his classes. She called him and told him to meet her for lunch at the Diner. She had some wonderful news she wanted to share.
Wesley’s class ended early so he got a table at the Diner. He was curious as to what Liz’s news was going to be. He only hoped it was something special.

Liz showed up a few moments later. Her face was so happy. Wes couldn’t remember a time when she had been this elated.

“Wes, you know how I’ve been putting my applications to different Art schools?” Liz asked.

“Yes, Liz. Don’t tell me you’ve been accepted?” He asked her.

“I’ve been accepted to the Duke Simington School of the Arts!!!” She said. She was clearly very happy. This was her dream and it was going to come true.

“That’s great Lizzie!! It’s what you’ve always wanted. I am so happy for you.” Wes said. “Where is this school located? Is it somewhere local?” He asked her, fearing her answer.

Her smile immediately left her face. It was as Wes feared.

“The school is in France. It’s the best art school anywhere. They saw a few of my paintings and said I have real potential. They’d like me to fly down there and take some tests and such, but I am practically a shoe-in.” Lizzie saw how strained Wes’s smile had become. “I’m sorry Wes. I know it’s such a long way away. I really wish there was a school closer, but this is what I have always wanted. “

She placed her hand upon his. “Are you okay with this?”

Wes quickly forced a smile, “Of course Lizzie. Yes. This is the best thing that could happen to you. I am very happy for you, but France? Wow…who knew that’s where you would be going?”

Their food came, but Wes had suddenly lost his appetite. He only picked at his food. How could he eat when the love of his life was going to France?
“How long will you be gone for?” Wes asked her barely touching his lunch.

“The program I would be in is a 2 year course. They said, since I was a natural I would have no problem meeting all my requirements. “Liz suddenly felt like this wasn’t the great news she had thought it to be.

Two years without seeing Wesley or holding him. Two years without feeling his tender lips upon hers. She suddenly felt terrible.

Wes noticed Lizzie’s sad expression, “Lizzie, honey. Please don’t look so sad. You’ve dreamed of this since you were a little girl. I’d be a liar if I said that this decision doesn’t affect me, but I am very happy for you. Baby, I love you so much, I only want you to be happy, and if this is what you want. I’ll support you.”

Wes leaned over and kissed her passionately, their tears mixing.

Through her tears Liz said, “Oh Wes! I love you too. I will call you every day and I’ll write every week.”

They both got up and hugged each other. Wes took Liz’s hands in his and they left the diner.
Meanwhile in Gretchen's Room across town, strange things are being discussed.
Dmitri and Gretchen are discussing something, there are multiple art catalogs strewn about her desk.

“I am amazed that you were able to get her into that school so quickly.” Gretchen said to Dmitri.

“It was really no trouble at all. My father is the Dean of the Students and with my “fine” recommendation of this dear girl, he was all too happy to have her enroll.” Dmitri looks quite pleased with himself at these turn of events.

“How long will she be gone?” Gretchen asked. That evil smile still played upon her lips.

“My father said with the courses she will be enrolled in it could be up to two years, at the most. Of course I will be there to ensure she gets a first class tour of my fine country. “Dmitri has a twinkle in his eye.

“Good, good. This is good news indeed. With that girl gone, Wes will be miserable. How can he possibly live without her? And you will be sure to become [u]very close[/u] to our Lizzie?” Gretchen said through an awful smile.

“Yes, my dear Gretchen. I will make sure she forgets all about what’s-his-name. After all who can resist France? It is the city of love.” Gretchen smiles at the thought of Wes and Lizzie’s torment.

Dmitri takes Gretchen by the arm and says,” I think this calls for a celebration. Would you join me in some dinner? I know this wonderful place in town.”
“Of course, I would be delighted, young man. “ And with that they head out the door.
The man in grey can be seen in the distance. He watches as the two of them leave for dinner.

Blast from the Past much :P