The man in gray merely watched her with patient eyes, waiting for her tirade to end. “I had told you that I believed your plan could possibly work in their favor. Wes’s love for Lizzie is stronger than anything you can throw at them.”
“Oh really? Well, you don’t know Dmitri as well as you think you do. He practically has Lizzie eating out of his hands. His reports are encouraging. He says they have become good friends and Lizzie trusts him.” A fiendish grin flashes across Gretchen’s face as she starts to laugh menacingly.

Meanwhile in France
Lizzie woke up early and started to get ready for her breakfast with Dmitri.

She was excited to see this new apartment he had to show her. It would be nice to have a place she can call her own. She was beginning to feel all grown up. Here she was in a new country, a new school and now getting her own apartment. It was everything she’d dreamed of. Well, almost. It was lacking one big component….Wesley. She thought of him a lot. She felt guilty she hadn’t called him yet. She made a promise to herself that she would do so once she got settled.
Liz walked to the school since it was such a beautiful morning. She arrived a bit too early and patiently waited for Dmitri. He showed up a few minutes later.

“Liz, you look as beautiful as fresh spring day, when the rains have cleared the skies. Your new hairstyle suits you beautifully.” He bowed and kissed her hand. She blushed and gave a little curtsy.

“And you Dmitri look dashing as usual. Ever the charmer, aren’t you?” “Well, my dear, are you ready to see this apartment? I think it will be perfect for you”, he said while leading her to the car. “I am excited. This is a big step for me as well. I have always lived at home. Father was there but he might as well not have been. So, this will be nice to live in my own place,” Liz replied eagerly.

Dmitri led her to the passenger side door, opened it and set her inside. Then proceeded to the driver’s side and off they were.
They passed beautiful houses to the left and to the right, huge chateaus and quaint houses. They were all so beautiful and grand. Elizabeth’s excitement grew with every passing home.
They finally came upon a little apartment. It was so pretty. The slanted roof was adorable, unlike the houses that were around. She couldn’t wait to go inside and look around.

Inside the house was even more beautiful. There was a gorgeous terrace that overlooked the city. The living room was stunning, with artwork ornamented here and there. This truly was an artist home. She could see herself living here. Yet, it was strange she felt like this house was placed here just for her. That sense of destiny guiding her was upon her again. She pushed it away as ludicrous thoughts. Who would put a house here meant only for her...it was just plain coincidence.

“Well, my dear. How is it?” Dmitri asked knowingly. His cunning grin showed that he knew she would love this loft. After all, he commissioned it to be built especially for Liz.

“It’s absolutely perfect!” She exclaimed as she jumped up and down. She went from room to room gazing at all the beautiful artwork that adorned the walls. Liz made her way to the terrace and looked out over the city.

Dmitri followed her and just stood inside the doorway gazing at her beauty. He doesn’t deserve her, Dmitri thought to himself. She is such a beauty and is deserving of a better life than living on a dirty farm, with a dirty farmer.

He joined Liz on the terrace, “Absolutely stunning. The view isn’t so bad either.” He whispered daringly. He had brought out some champagne and two glasses while she was looking at the house. “I do believe this calls for a celebration.” He offered a glass to her and one to himself. Raising his glass he toasted, “To a new life and to new friendships, may they be as beautiful and as inspiring as ours.” They touched glasses and drank.
Liz set her glass down and said. “It’s great! I’ll take it.”
Dmitri finished his glass and poured some more. “I knew you would love it. So, it is yours. Free and clear. No strings attached.”

“I couldn’t do that. That’s too much.” Liz replied steadfastly. “You have done more than enough already. I couldn’t possibly take this.”

Laughing, Dmitri replied, “You can and you will. You are a foreigner to a foreign land. You have no job and you are going to school full time. How can you possibly afford an apartment as well?”
Stubbornly Liz remarked, “My father and I are not poor as you believe. I will ask him to help me in securing this apartment.” Liz looked cross and offended.

“My apologies Elizabeth, I meant no offense. I am only looking out for your well being. Your father hasn’t played a role in your life in the past. Why should he start now?” Dmitri asked sympathetically.

Liz coming to the realization that he was right, started to weep, “You’re right. You’re absolutely right. I was a fool to think I could come out here and do this on my own. I should have stayed in Riverview.”

Dmitri pulled Liz into his arms and hugged her.

“There, there Elizabeth.” He said soothingly, while stroking her hair. “Please don’t cry, my dear. I want to help you, please let me help you.” He dabbed her eyes with his handkerchief and hugged her once more. “You will accept my offer, yes? It’s really your only option.” He pulled her in front of him and looked into her eyes and stroking her cheek. “Come on now….let’s see a smile.”

Liz looked up at Dmitri and smiled, “Yes of course. I will accept your offer, but I will pay you back! This is my promise to you. And thanks so much for your kindness and generosity. I really don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here.” She gave him a slight kiss on the cheek.

“That’s my girl,” Dmitri said happily, “let us get some dinner. I am famished. How about you, my dear” “Yes, I could eat a horse!” Liz said hungrily.
They went to his car and drove off to the nearest restaurant.
Meanwhile, Wes had found his way to the School.
He was asking some of the professors there if they had heard of an Elizabeth Renfield.

“Yes, she just recently registered for her classes, she actually just stepped out with a young man; I believe they were looking at apartments. Who may I say is asking for her?” The young teacher asked.

“Oh, just a friend in town. Who is this young man that she went out with? May I ask?” Wes inquired skeptically.

“Well, none other than Dmitri Michel. His father is the Dean of Students. They have been seen in each other’s company a lot lately. If I may be so bold, they do make a splendid couple.” He replied happily.

“Really, I would love to meet this young man. They’ll be back when you said?”

“Who can say really, this is such a big city, with so much to do. Would you like a tour of this grand University while you wait?” he asked.

“Thanks for the offer, but I really must be going. I appreciate your time.” Wes waved as he left in the taxi that brought him there. “Can you take me to the nearest hotel, please?” Wes told the driver.

Wes arrived at the hotel and sat down on the bed. Lizzie is out with another man? After she promised! He thought to himself. Wait a minute there, buddy. Don’t jump to any hasty conclusions. You trust her don’t you? “Yes, I do” He said out loud. There you have it. I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation for it. “And if not, I’ll have chat with Mr. Michel.” Wes said to the empty room.

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