What have I done to receive such animosity? I have given this family so much and what do I get in return?

Disrespect and a total lack of appreciation for what I had to give up in order to come help them in their time of despair.”
Gretchen is fuming. We see her pacing back and forth in her room. She has just come from her confrontation with Wesley.

“That boy is getting too high and mighty. It’s time for him to be brought to his knees.” An evil smile starts to slowly spread across her face.

Gretchen is startled by the words of the man in gray. “You want to break these two apart?”

“Where did you come from?” Gretchen asked him.
“I come from lots of different places. Now, are you going to be the one asking the questions or are you going to answer mine?

Gretchen smiles, “Yes, more than anything on this Earth. Her family has destroyed my life. And I will destroy hers as well. I loved my Father and she took him away from me. I will take her love away from her as well. “

He asks, “And how will you do this thing?”

Oddly Gretchen starts to tell him her plans. He nods in acknowledgment of these deeds.

“I believe that your end result will be bringing these children closer together and not further apart. Still, it will be interesting to watch. We shall see how strong their love really is.”
The room is filling with the scents of expensive cologne and the pungent aroma of brandy. In walks an attractive man, with dark hair and a small goatee. He enters the room with an air of nobility.

Gretchen looks at the newcomer with suspicious eyes. “This is Dmitri Michel. I think you’ll find him up to the task at hand.”

Gretchen shakes his hand and begins to fill him in on the situation thus far.
“She seems like a lovely girl. I would very much like to meet this exquisite creature.” He says with a smile upon his face.

Gretchen and Dmitri leave the house. As they walk to his car she can be seen whispering details of her plans into his ear.

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