She was gone! She was really gone! It felt like a great weight had been taken off my shoulders. Liz and I could finally live in peace, without fear of how far Gretchen’s fingers could reach us.
When I told Liz the wonderful news, she just cried. She told me how happy she was that the witch was finally out of our lives.
We were free!
It’s been four years since that “fateful” day.
And Liz and I couldn’t have been happier.
I continued to work at the museum while taking night classes at the University. I walked away from that experience with a Bachelor of Science in Education. Since then I have been teaching World History at the local High School.
Liz was asked to open up at a new gallery her in town. Her abstract pieces have been selling very well. I am very proud of her success. It seemed with Gretchen out of the way, she was free to blossom and grow.
We received a letter in the mail from Dad. He writes that he had been dating this lady for a few years now and wanted to know how I would feel about him marrying again. I told him, I thought Mom would want him to be happy. If this woman does that for him, then he should go for it.
The wedding was planned a few short months after. Liz and I flew back home to be there. I stood at my Dad’s side as he vowed to love and cherish his new wife in sickness and in health. Dad hasn’t looked this happy since when Mom was still alive.
While we were in town we made a point to visit Liz’s father. He was thrilled to her again. At dinner he made slight mention of grandkids and when he could expect them. Liz looked down sadly as I explained we had been trying for the past year. It just didn’t seem like it was going to happen.
He gave us the number of a family doctor in town, reminding us not to worry about the payment. He would take care of everything. He claimed it was the least he could do after being absent in Liz’s life for so many years.
And Dmitri, his life has taken a turn in the right direction. His father sold all of his vineyards to a newly married couple. Dmitri had set down and explained to his Dad, respectfully, that he didn’t want to follow in his footsteps. He expressed his desire to go out and make a name for himself on his own.
This resulted in Dmitri making a phone call to his lost love, Yvette. They reconciled and have been dating ever since. He has never looked happier.
As I sit here reflecting on all the missed opportunities we all lost out on, a small tear escapes my eye. But the prospects of the future excite me to see what the future holds for all of us.
The Fertility Institute was a fairly large white building adjacent to the Hospital.
We nervously walked up to the sliding doors, a gust of wind from the air-conditioning inside the building sent a cooling breeze to our faces. Liz put her arm in mine as we approached the receptionist.
“Mr. and Mrs. Roberts to see Dr. Blume.” I squeezed Liz’s hand reassuringly. “It’s okay honey.”
She looked up at me a smiled.
“Have a seat, Mr. Roberts. Dr. Blume will be with you in a few moments.” She answered going back to her computer work.
“Come on honey, have a seat.” I motioned to a chair near the desk. “Are you thirsty, do you want some water?”

“Yes, please.” She responded faintly.
I returned with two cups of water, and noticed she was glancing at one of the parenthood magazines.
“Here you go, babe.”
She drank the cool water and the look on her face changed. She looked more relaxed.
“Thanks, Wes. I’m sorry I’m so distant. I’m just worried, what if this is all my fault. What if I’m the reason we can’t have kids.” He eyes began to water as the tears were soon to fall.
Placing my arms around her shoulders, I pulled her close to me. “Elizabeth, whatever happens…this is not your fault. I love you, no matter what we find out here. Nothing is going to change that.” Looking into her eyes, I saw the girl I had fallen for so many years ago. She was scared and I couldn’t help her. All I could do was be there for her.
“Mr. and Mrs. Roberts?” Dr. Blume walked into the waiting room.
“Yes.” I replied looking up quickly.
“Please follow me. How are you two this afternoon?” She asked cheerfully.
“We’re fine, thanks.” I answered still holding Liz’s hand.
She took a seat behind her desk as we took the two seats in front of her.
“Let me start by asking a few questions. Alright? Now, Wes, have you had any erectile difficulties or problems reaching climax?”
My cheeks flushed in embarrassment. I felt funny discussing this with another woman, but she is a doctor.
“No, everything seems to be working just fine.” I smiled sheepishly.

“I’d like to run some routine tests on you just to see where we are at. Many times infertility can be treated as simply as taking medication or changing your techniques in the bedroom.”
“Liz, I’d like to start with you if you don’t mind.”
Liz was led to a small room where she could change into a gown. There she was given a cup.
“I’m going to need a urine sample and we can proceed from there.” She said, closing the door behind her.
She returned to her office with two small cups for me.
“I will need a urine sample and a semen sample from you, Mr. Roberts.” She led me to a small room across from where Liz was at.
“I’ll leave you alone. When you are done just put the cups in the little slot in the bathroom.”
A few moments later Liz and I returned to the office and sat down in our places.
“Well, thanks for coming to see me Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. We should have the results in a few days. We’ll call you and let you know what the outcome is.”
We got a phone call from one of Dr. Blume’s interns early that week.
“Mr. Roberts?” the friendly voice on the line asked.
“Yes this is he.” I answered.
“Hello, this is Nicole from Dr. Blume’s office. We have the results from your tests.”
I stood there holding the phone tightly in my hand, awaiting her answers. I finally took a deep breath and responded.
“That’s great, Nicole. What’s the word?”
“We found no problems. It’s quite possible the timing is wrong or you two have been stressed about becoming pregnant. Have you had any stressors in your life recently, Mr. Roberts?”
I thought about it, and couldn’t think of anything.
“Not that I can think of. Our jobs are both doing well. Liz and I are very happy; we are just trying to have a child.” I added sadly. “Well, thanks for calling. I am sure this will put Liz’s mind at ease.”
I placed the phone back in its cradle just as Liz was walking into the room.
“Who was that, hun?” She asked.
“That was a nurse from Dr. Blume’s office, with the results from the fertility tests. It seems they didn’t find anything wrong with us.” I answered happily.
Lizzie jumped into my arms and I had to brace myself to catch her. “That is great Wes! I was so scared!”
Placing her on the floor, I asked “Do you think we are trying too hard. And that’s why we can’t conceive, because that is my theory.”
“What do you have in mind, Wes? I see that look in your eye…I know that look. You have a plan.” She said suspiciously.
“I just think we need a vacation from ‘trying to have a child’. What do you say we go back home? It’s been a few years since we’ve seen Dad and his new wife. I am sure they’d love to see us.”
I continued while holding her hands in mine. “School is out for summer break, so we have plenty of time. Besides, you can do some painting in a new environment.”
“Truthfully, I am getting sick of seeing Paris. It’s started to lose its novelty.” She smiled and squeezed my hand. “Ok, Wes. Let’s do this.”
Quietly we walked up the small wooden steps that led to Dad’s front door. I quickly knocked on the door and waited.
After a few moments, the door opened, and there stood a tall young man who looked every bit as striking as his father.
“Levi! My God, how you have grown!” I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.

“Wes! When did you get here? Dad’s going to flip!” he hugged me tightly “Oh, man! It’s great to see you!” Pulling away from me he noticed Liz standing next to me.
“Oh, Elizabeth, you are a vision. So beautiful, how are you?” He said while hugging her tenderly.
“Aww, thanks Levi. You aren’t looking to bad yourself.”
“Please, come in. I’ll help you with your bags, Wes. Liz, you go on inside. We’ll be right there.”
Levi helped me get all my bags settled in my old room, and then we retired to the kitchen where Danae, Dad’s new wife was busy making lunch.
“Oh, Wes! It’s so good to see you.” She hugged me.
“Oh wow! Looks like you’re expecting. Congratulations!” I said, kissing her on the check.

“Thanks, Wes. Doctor says its twins. We are so very excited.” She replied caressing her stomach. “Aren’t we guys? Or girls, who knows.”
Liz looked sadly at Danae but offered her congratulations sincerely. “That is so great, Mrs. Roberts!”
“Oh, please. We are family, call me Danae. And when can we expect little ones from you two?” she asked.
Liz turned her head. I grabbed her hand softly and kissed it. “That’s actually why we decided to come out here. We need a vacation from ‘trying’. We’ve been unsuccessful for the past few years. But, I still have faith.” I caressed my Lizzie’s cheek and placed a tender kiss there.
“I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” Danae replied apologetically. “But, you know the minute you say that you aren’t going to try anymore, and it’ll happen when it happens, is when you’ll get pregnant. Call it, Murphy’s Law.” She smiled.
“So, where’s Dad?” I asked. “I noticed the crops are gone. What happened?”
Danae answered, “With the Mega Mart opening up down the street. We didn’t any reason to keep the farm going. We sold the crops that were there and Alex took a job at the local fire station.”
I laughed, “I can totally see Dad rushing into danger head on. It’s that daredevil streak he has in him.”
“Yeah, I love it and I hate it. I worry about him when he is out, but he is doing what he loves.” Danae answered.
We spent the rest of the evening eating Danae’s wonderful dinner and catching up.
As the truck pulled into the driveway, a man’s voice could be heard singing the words to a song.
“Quick, Liz. Let’s you and I go in the other room. We can surprise Dad.” I said giddily.
We hid in the other room, but had a good vantage point of the living room from where we were.
Dad set his lunch box and jacket on the table and pulled Danae in for a kiss.
“What are you grinning at, Levi?” he asked. Levi had the funniest goofy smile on his face.
“Nothing. He answered while looking around the room.
“It’s okay, Levi.” I said as we entered the room. “Hello Dad.”
His eyes went as big as saucers. “Wesley David Roberts! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming out? I would have made sure to be here.” He said while pulling me into a bear’s embrace.
“And miss the look on your face? Not on your life. How are you, dad?” I said, patting him on the back. “I see you’ve been busy.” I replied, winking at him.

He laughed and rubbed Danae’s stomach. “Yeah, I can’t wait til these little ones are born.”
“I’m very happy for you, Dad. Both of you.”
We spent three weeks, just enjoying this time off. No work, no responsibilities. In fact we should have done this a long time ago.
Danae and Liz made sure meals were cooked; she even taught Liz a few things in the kitchen. Not that she needed much help, mind you.
Dad and I talked about whatever came to mind. I just loved being with my father again. He is such an inspiration of what a father, husband, man should be. I hope I have made him proud.
The last week of our vacation I planned a ‘Just Liz and I’ night. That old restaurant where I first professed my love to here was still around. I reserved a table for us, reserved a hotel room complete with red roses, her favorites, the finest bottle of champagne and some classical music.
Early that night I left a note for Liz on the bed, ‘Honey, get dressed up. We are going out tonight. I love you so much, Wes.’
Dinner was delicious; I can’t remember what we ate as I was so enraptured with my beautiful wife. The way the candles played with the light grey in her eyes. I felt just as nervous tonight as I did the first time I took her here.
Upon arrival at the hotel, we walked hand in hand to the room. She proceeded to open the door, when I stopped her.
“Allow me.” I said. I gingerly picked her up into my arms, opened the door and carried her into the room.
The aroma of sweet, red roses hit my senses immediately. Liz’s gasp of surprise was like music to my ears.
I carefully placed her on the bed and got us two glasses of champagne. We drank and couple of glasses while dancing slowly to the music that played from the small stereo. Just to feel her body press up against mine, the smell of her perfume as she placed her head upon my chest was doing something to me. My heart began to race and I could feel her heart beneath her dress, pumping in rapid succession with mine.

Looking at my Liz lying on the bed I marveled at how lucky I was to even be with such an exquisite creature. I didn’t deserve her and yet, she was mine, heart, body and soul.
She whispered in my ear. Just the feel of her hot breath against me sent shivers down my spine. We spent the remainder of the night loving each other.

We eventually fell asleep. Liz went first, I just laid there stroking her hair and listening to her sleep. I watched the rise and fall of her chest, until ultimately I succumbed to sleep as well.
When I dreamt, it was about a son. We had named him Alex, after my Dad. He was beautiful and we loved him so much. I awoke that morning with a smile on my face.
The time to go back home had arrived. I would miss Dad and Levi, and the birth of my step-siblings. But, we had to get back to real life.
Liz didn’t look well for our trip; she spent a good portion of the morning, throwing up her breakfast.
She kept telling me it was probably just something she ate. I wasn’t so sure I wanted to get her to a doctor in case it was a bad case of the flu or something worse.
We said our goodbyes and well wishes and were soon back on the plane to Paris.
Well, after a few more days of Liz getting sick everyone morning, I had had enough.
“Come on, I’ve made an appointment for you with Dr. Blume.” I told Liz sternly.
“I’m sure it’s nothing.” Liz answered.
“Well, I’ll be satisfied when the Dr. says its nothing. Now, let’s go.” I remarked.
Dr. Blume saw us right away and after some tests she had some news.
“Well, Mr and Mrs. Roberts. It would appear Liz is not sick at all.”
“Ha! I told you so.” Liz replied sarcastically.
“You’re pregnant.” Dr. Blume answered. She had a big smile on her face as Liz and I stared at each other shock and awe.
“Really?” I asked. I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to but I couldn’t believe it.
Liz started to weep tears of joy. I held her close to me. “Congratulations, Momma.”
“Oh, Wes. This is so great! We’re going to be parents.” She said, jumping up and down. “I love you honey.”
“I love you too, baby.”
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