Wes wasn’t sure where Dmitri lived exactly, but it wasn’t too hard to figure out. Plus, he wasn’t too far ahead of him either. Wes slowed his speed a bit so as not to arouse suspicion and continued to follow Dmitri to his house.

Not surprising, Dmitri lived in a giant house near the University. I guess when your family is worth as much as the Michel’s were, it’s to be expected. Wes pulled up just as Dmitri was getting out of his car. Dmitri was shocked to see Wes coming up the driveway.
“Before you swing, I just want you to know I would never hurt Liz. “
Wesley walked over and without hesitation punched Dmitri in the face. The pain was excruciating. Dmitri grabbed his broken nose, while Wes rubbed his hand. He hadn’t meant to hit Dmitri as hard as he did, but can you blame him?

“Okay, I deserved that, but you must believe me, I never meant to hurt anyone. Gretchen…she swore that she would, well you know her and how vindictive she can be.” He pulled a handkerchief out of his coat, giving his voice a muffled sound.
Wesley stopped and listened to Dmitri’s words. He felt bad for him, because he knew how Gretchen was and what happens when you crossed her, but he still was so mad. Still, hitting Dmitri had calmed him a bit and he felt like he could talk about what happens next.
“Dmitri, what you did was terrible. The fact that you would align yourself with that….that….malicious hag, is unforgivable in itself. But, I believe you, God only knows why, but I do and so does Elizabeth. She still speaks very highly of you.”

Dmitri cut him off, “So, aside from the broken nose, are we good? Can you forgive me? Do you think Elizabeth can forgive me?”
Wesley answered, “Yeah. We’re good. Let’s get you back to the loft. We can talk and get you cleaned up.” Wes laughed, “Liz is going to be mad I hit you.” He shrugged as they walked to the car.

Liz was waiting at the front door when the guys showed up. She noted they were laughing and joking about something. She thought it was odd since Wes was so angry and he left without saying where he was going. Then she noticed the front of Dmitri’s shirt was covered in blood.

“Oh my, Dmitri! Are you okay? Wesley, did you do this?” She quickly ran to Dmitri to see if he was indeed alright, but he kindly brushed her aside. “I am fine Liz, my dear. Wes was just showing me the error of my ways.” He replied while nodding at Wes. “I totally deserved it. Liz, I beg your forgiveness. What I did or even planned to do is inexcusable.”

“You’re right Dmitri. What you did was nothing less than despicable.” She looked at him with resentment and pity. “I understand why you did it though. I know Gretchen and how nasty she is.” She led the boys inside, “Come on you two, you look like two drunken fools on their way home from a bar fight.”
Wes and Dmitri continued their conversation in the living room as if nothing had happened. Liz set out getting some washcloths for Dmitri’s face and heated up the tea again. She gave each of them a cup and sat down with hers.
“Now what do we do about our Gretchen problem?” Wesley asked Dmitri. “How do you two get in touch with each other? Do you send her reports, phone calls?”

“Yes, I call her at least every two weeks to let her know how things are going.” Dmitri looks ashamed again, “But lately as I’ve grown closer to you Elizabeth I have grown lax in my reports. I couldn’t keep the charade that you and Wes were as bad as Gretchen kept implying. Liz, you are a sweet and beautiful woman, I was a heel to do what I had done. To throw away your trust like I had, it’s unforgivable. Anyway, I am sure Gretchen has grown mistrustful of my silence and you know what, I don’t care. I hope she confronts me. I’ll tell her exactly what she can do with her blackmail.” Dmitri was becoming more and more brazen with each step.
It was at that moment his phone rang. Wes and Liz both looked at each other in stunned silence. Dmitri looked at his phone. His face turned pale as he answered, “Yes, Gretchen?”

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