It was a twelve hour flight. When she arrived her legs hurt, her back hurt and she was starving to death. The in flight meal left a lot to be desired.

When she arrived at the airport, there was a man holding a sign that read, “Elizabeth Renfield.” He was a handsome man. Liz went over to him and introduced herself.

“Hello. I am Elizabeth.” She said as she shook his hand.

“I am Dmitri. I will be taking you to the school and giving you a tour of the facilities. You are even lovelier than your application made you out to be.” He had taken her hand and now kissed it.

Elizabeth blushed at the gesture.
They got into his car and were soon on their way.

The scenery on the way to the school was just breath taking. She had never seen anything like this in all of her years in Riverview. She had wondered what life would be like for her here without Wesley. She suddenly missed him so much.
As she gazed out the window, Dmitri was looking at her from the rearview mirror. A smile spreads across his face.
They drove about 30 minutes from the airport to the school. It was gorgeous!! The place was huge. Liz wasn’t sure how she would be able to find her way around without a compass of some sort.

Dmitri opened up the door for Liz and took her arm. They walked up the stairs and through the doors.

The aroma of paint, books and mahogany all hit her senses at one. She was amazed at all the activity around her, there were students running here and there, teachers chatting with each other as they went to their respectable classes. Liz was suddenly very nervous to be attending here. She knew she was going to get lost at least 300 times before the day’s end.

Dmitri turned to look at Liz and noticed her looking around. “Beautiful is it not?” He asked her.

“Oh yes, this place is gorgeous! Who built it?” Liz was awe struck at some of the art work that covered the walls.
“It was built by a well known architect, Cameron Royer. Have you heard of her?” Dmitri asked.
“No, I am sorry I have not.” Liz answered, sadly.
“She has designed a number of buildings here, this University, the local airport and few of the houses adjacent to the school. She really is quite good.” Dmitri said as they walked along the grounds.

They came to a courtyard near the large fountain and took a seat on the benches.
“Have you given any thoughts as to where you will stay while you are here, Elizabeth?” Dmitri asked.

“You know, I had thought about doing some apartment hunting while I was here or possibly check out the dorms here.”
“That would be nice. I feel like such a stranger here. Everything is so much bigger and grander here. How does one not get lost?” Liz asked.
Dmitri laughed, “You’ll get used to it. We were all new here at one time or another. And I will be more than happy to help you out in any way you need.”
“That is very kind of you, but I wouldn’t want to put you out. You’ve been so kind to me already, and I hardly know you.” Liz replied.
“Think nothing of it, my dear. My father is the Dean of Students and he would be quite cross if I didn’t show you around. Besides, you are a visitor to our great country; we must make you feel welcome. I can imagine moving to a new place where you don’t know anyone can be pretty scary, no?” He asked her.
“Yes, it was very tough for me to leave my home. I left someone I truly care about and I wonder how he is.” Liz said with a slight frown on her face.

Dmitri took Liz’s hand in his and said, “He must be someone very important to have captured the heart of such an exquisite creature as you.” With that he kissed her hand once more.
“Thank you and yes he is very dear to me. I only hope this time apart won’t be too hard on our relationship. He is my best friend and I miss him very much.” Liz started to weep, she felt foolish standing here crying in front of this stranger, but he made her feel strangely comfortable. Dmitri offered a handkerchief to Liz. “Please my dear, do not weep. A beauty such as you, should never feel grief. You will be so busy with your classes you will not realize how fast the years will go by. Please, do not cry anymore.”
“I am sorry. You must think me a fool, to weep so much. You are very kind to listen to me.” Liz wiped her eyes and straightened herself, “Now sir, how about that tour you promised.” She asked him with a smile.
“Very well, my dear, let us go back to the car. I will show you some lovely apartments near the school, which you may find to your liking. Afterwards, I would be delighted if you would have dinner with me. I won’t take no for an answer.” Liz started to decline, but saw how sincere Dmitri was and how kind he had been, it would be rude to turn him down. “That sounds nice. Airline food is the pits. I could use a good meal.”

(sorry, there was more dialogue than story. Hope you liked it anyway)
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