Liz wakes up to a bright, shiny day. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming on her terrace. Live couldn’t be better. “I have to remember to call Wes today.” She tells herself.

It’s her first day of school at the University and she is nervous. She starts the day with some breakfast of home cooked waffles and fruit.
Takes her shower, picks out a nice outfit and brushes her teeth.
Then she begins her walk to school. She loves the fact it is within walking distance. This gives her a chance to clear her mind and prepare for the day ahead.

At the school, the University is bustle with students heading here and there. She looked at her map and went looking for her class.
First period went well. She found the class without much trouble. Her teacher was great and the classmates were a nice bunch of people as well.

The progressed as normal, with classes and teachers and stuff.
By lunchtime she was starving. She couldn’t wait to get home and make something good.
She started out the door of the school when she saw someone. It couldn’t be though, could it? He was in Riverview, wasn’t he? As he got closer she saw it wasn’t a dream or a mirage. It really was Wesley. He was here in France!! She couldn’t believe it! She ran to him as fast as her legs would carry her.

Several hours earlier
In Wes’s hotel room, he is getting an early start to his day. He had plans of meeting Lizzie and giving her the biggest surprise ever. He knew she would be at the school, it being the first day and all. So, he got showered and dressed and gathered up everything he would need for the day.

He went outside and hailed a cab. “Can you take me to Duke Simington please?” he told the driver in anticipation. “I’ve got a girl there I must see.” Wes couldn’t have been happier. He had a smile on his face from ear to ear.

When he arrived at the school, he saw the day was just starting. First period had only just begun and it probably would be a few more hours before lunch period.

So, he picked a spot on the grass and sat and waited. He brought a History book with him which he started to read. He was so engrossed in the book he hadn’t noticed a sharply dressed man approach the school. If he had seen him he wouldn’t know the man as being Dmitri. Apparently they had the same idea, meeting Liz for lunch.

The lunch bell rang and Wes put his book away. He stood up and brushed the grass from his pants.
As he was walking towards the stairs he saw her. She was so beautiful, even more so than when she left. Her hair looked beautiful as she was letting it grow. She looked content. He briefly wondered if his idea to come here hadn’t been a mistake. What if she had a whole new life set up for her and it didn’t include him. And who was this Dmitri that she had been spending so much time with? All these thoughts went away when her eyes and his met. He saw the surprise and shock in them and then she saw the love. That’s all he needed to see and he knew he had made the right decision.

He ran to her like a lovesick fool. Neither of them saw Dmitri watching them from the sidelines.
They reached each other and he scooped Liz into his arms. She covered his face with kisses upon kisses.

“Oh my sweet Wesley! What are you doing here?” she cried in between kissing him. “I thought I would never see you.” She then began to weep. “I love you so!”

Wes set her down carefully on the ground, “I couldn’t be apart from you, my love! The thought of two years without your sweet voice or your gentle touch was too much to bear. Dad had saved up money and gave me his blessings!” They were both crying at this point.

“Liz, this time apart has made me realize what my life is like without you. It is empty and barren. It’s not life at all. I need you with me forever. With that he got on one knee, “. Many people spend their lives searching for their soulmate, their one true love.

Some people are lucky to find the person they can truly call the better half of themselves, while others spend the rest of their lives searching and never finding. I am happy to count myself among the lucky ones, because found you. So, Elizabeth Renfield, will you marry me?” He looked up at her with hopeful eyes.

Liz was in such shock at what was happening before her eyes, she started to weep once more. She threw her arms around Wes’s neck and whispered, “Yes, my love! Yes!” Wes placed the ring upon her finger and they shared a kiss in front of the fountain.

“Oh Wesley, I am so glad you have come.” Liz said happily. “I have the cutest little apartment you must see. It is next to the school, so it’s perfect for us.” She led Wes to the loft as the talked.

Us?” Wes smiled shyly.
“Yes, us silly, I don’t imagine you came all this way to propose and leave, did you?” Liz asked him knowingly.
“I had thought I would stay here while you attend school, if that is alright with you.” Wes asked questioningly. “There is so much to do and see here. The history of this place is incredible.”
“I knew you would love it Wes, I was telling Dmitri that just last week.” Liz replied. “Oh you must meet him. He has been so helpful and nice to me while I have been getting settled in.”
“I bet he has.” Wes replied cynically. “I would love to meet your new friend. He seems like such a great guy.” He tried to hide the annoyance from his voice, hoping Liz wouldn’t hear it, but he just didn’t trust this guy. I have no reason not to, but why do I have this feeling in my gut that tells me he isn’t what he appears. He thought to himself, but he shook it off as paranoia and pushed it to the back of his mind. Right now he was here with Liz and they were engaged...Life was great.
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